What I manage to do is filter my first table from where I get the first data next to an "id" that I use to filter a second table, the issue is that I can not join them in a single array. An example would be something like this first filtered data
idpersona / dias / hora
1 / lunes / 8:00
2 / martes / 9:00
my second table would have the data of these people
idpersona / nombre / etc
1 / miguel / ...
2 / fernando / ....
What I need is for me to stay together idpersona / dia / hora / name / etc
But using push I'm left like this
(index) /idpersona / dias / hora / nombre / etc
0 / 1 / lunes / 8:00 / /
1 / 2 / martes / 9:00 / /
2 / / / / miguel /
3 / / / / fernando /
I do not know what I'm missing if you can give me a hand please!
SOLVED, after denying a whole day of foolishness I achieve it
for(let i in persona){
response =>{
for (let index = 0; index < response.rows.length; index++){
persona[i]['nombre'] = response.rows.item(index)['nombre'];
persona[i]['telefono'] = response.rows.item(index)['telefono'];
I used to use the PUSH option and for that reason it was added below, instead I now go through [i] and I am adding new fields to the object, for now it is the solution that I found is probably not the best code but I managed to get it return my arrangement with the data as I needed