Give a div the property that can give real click


THE OBJECTIVE OF EVERYTHING I DID IS SIMULATE A SCREEN RECORDING TO KNOW WHAT THE USER DID, SAID THIS, I EXPLAIN: Create a script that captures the coordinates of the cursor while the user moves around the screen and clicks gives the user and saves all that information in a txt, then I can run that txt assigned the information to a div that simulates being a cursor and I see all the movements that the user made since it starts to move following the coordinates that the txt he is saying, when the user clicked my div changes size so that I know that in that exact place the user clicked. I have three variables dataX and dataY which are the coordinates and click which is the dataX and the dataY where the user clicked. With the code below I go through the txt and simulate the movement.


var total = datosX.length;

    for ($i = 0; $i < total; $i++) {

        if (click[$i] == 1) {

            $("div").animate({top: datosY[$i] ,left: datosX [$i], height:'100px', width:'100px'}, 50, 'linear');


            $("div").animate({top: datosY[$i] ,left: datosX [$i], height:'30px', width:'30px'}, 50, 'linear');



This is more or less the functionality:

< a href="">

As you can see, the coordinates are saved and where I clicked the div is enlarged, which in this case is the last image I clicked on the REDIRECT link. Dsp of all this explanation what I need to know is if that div can give you the property of a real click. As I can see all the movement when the user clicks on a link redirects to another page and there is still moving, that data captured but as my div does not give a real click on the link that the user clicked my div is still moving on the main page and I lose the sense of the script, to know all the places that the user visited.

asked by Juan 07.06.2018 в 03:03

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