I have a problem that already has me desperate, I am creating an app and when I try to "buildear" with Android Studio SKD the generated apk does not make the calls to me Ajax, I read about the use of the whitelists, the meta tag of protection and I configured everything at the foot of the letter, still I do not achieve make it work.
My config and meta tag are:
<access origin="http://myserver.com" />
<access origin="https://maps.googleapis.com" />
<access origin="https://fonts.gstatic.com" />
<access origin="https://fonts.googleapis.com" />
<access origin="https://maps.gstatic.com" />
<access origin="https://ssl.gstatic.com" />
<access origin="https://fonts.googleapis.com" />
<allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
<allow-intent href="https://*/*" />
<allow-intent href="tel:*" />
<allow-intent href="sms:*" />
<allow-intent href="mailto:*" />
<allow-intent href="geo:*" />
<!-- and my meta tag -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' http://myserver.com https://maps.googleapis.com https://fonts.gstatic.com https://fonts.googleapis.com https://maps.gstatic.com data: gap: https://ssl.gstatic.com 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'self' https://fonts.googleapis.com 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *; connect-src *">
On the other hand I tell you that when creating the apk from build.phonegap.com there is no problem with this.
Does anyone know the solution to this?