I have a big problem when trying to bring data from a URL that gives me information in Json format, the application receives this information but at the time of linking the data with a ListView it is a little complicated for me how can I get it if I have 10 objects that offer me some data this becomes a line in the listView and so with each one of those that I have?
This is my MainActivity
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
if (Network.hayred(this)) {
} else {
//mostrar error)
private fun solicitudHTTPVolley(url: String) {
val queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this)
val solicitud = StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, com.android.volley.Response.Listener<String> {
response ->
Log.d("solicitudHTTPVolley", response)
//En revision
/val gson = Gson()
val VIGAS = gson.fromJson(response, FirebaseRequest::class.java)
Log.d("PLANOS", VIGAS.ListaDEVIGAS?.VIGAS?.size.toString())/
}, com.android.volley.Response.ErrorListener {
What I thought was to create a Gson that tells how many objects contained the list of beams objects (you can see the Json in the URL of the code) and in that way that created as many lines as there are data, if they have a more Simple to do this please let me know. I leave my Adapter, NetWork, Request and the Structure of the data.
class FirebaseRequest {
var ListaDEVIGAS:Planos? = null
class Planos{
var VIGAS:ArrayList<InfoPlano>? = null
class InfoPlano{
var Plano:String = ""
var Cantidad:Int = 0
var Codigo:String = ""
var Detalle:String = ""
var Obra:String = ""
var Peso:Int = 0
class AdaptadorcustomVI(var context: Context,
items:ArrayList<EstructuraDeVigas>): BaseAdapter() {
var items:ArrayList<EstructuraDeVigas>? = null
init {
this.items = items
override fun getCount(): Int {
return this.items?.count()!!
override fun getItemId(position: Int): Long {
return position.toLong()
override fun getItem(position: Int): Any {
return this.items?.get(position)!!
override fun getView(position: Int, convertView: View?, parent: ViewGroup?): View {
var ViewHolderVIGA:ViewHolderVIGA? = null
var vista: View? = convertView
if (vista == null) {
vista = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.templateldv, null)
ViewHolderVIGA = ViewHolderVIGA(vista)
vista.tag = ViewHolderVIGA
} else {
ViewHolderVIGA = vista.tag as? ViewHolderVIGA
val item = getItem(position) as EstructuraDeVigas
ViewHolderVIGA?.Obra?.text = item.Obra
ViewHolderVIGA?.Detalle?.text = item.Detalle
ViewHolderVIGA?.Codigo?.text = item.Codigo
ViewHolderVIGA?.VIGAS?.text = item.VIGAS
ViewHolderVIGA?.Cantidad?.text = item.Cantidad.toString()
ViewHolderVIGA?.Peso?.text = item.Peso.toString()
return vista!!
private class ViewHolderVIGA (vista: View) {
var Obra: TextView? = null
var Detalle: TextView? = null
var Codigo: TextView? = null
var VIGAS: TextView? = null
var Cantidad: TextView? = null
var Peso: TextView? = null
init {
Obra= vista.findViewById(R.id.ListaOBRA)
Detalle = vista.findViewById(R.id.ListaDETALLE)
Codigo = vista.findViewById(R.id.ListaCODIGO)
VIGAS = vista.findViewById(R.id.ListaPLANOID)
Cantidad = vista.findViewById(R.id.ListaCANTIDAD)
Peso = vista.findViewById(R.id.ListaPESO)
class EstructuraDeVigas(Obra:String, Detalle:String, Codigo:String, VIGAS:String, Cantidad:Int, Peso:Int) {
var Obra : String = ""
var Detalle : String = ""
var Codigo : String = ""
var VIGAS : String = ""
var Cantidad : Int = 0
var Peso : Int = 0
init {
this.Obra = Obra
this.Detalle = Detalle
this.Codigo = Codigo
this.Cantidad = Cantidad
this.Peso = Peso