Hello, I can not find a way to paint a header dynamically with Java Script, My JS filters by client and it paints the table, but it only paints me the data and I can not put the header because depending on the client it can vary by I do not paint it directly in HTML. This is my script:
window.RefaccionesE = {
formClienteId: "FormRefaccionesCaptura",
tblRefacccionesId: "",
ClienteId: ""
window.Refacciones = {
init: function (data) {
$.extend(RefaccionesE, data);
$("body").on("change", "#ClienteId", Refacciones.SelectedClient);
RefaccionesE.tblRefacccionesId = $('tblRefacccionesId').DataTable({ dom: 'r' });
SelectedClient: function () {
RefaccionesE.ClienteId = $("#ClienteId").val();
//Obtiene la informacion para la tabla refacciones
getRefacciones: function () {
url: RefaccionesE.uriRefacciones,
data: {
ClienteId: RefaccionesE.ClienteId
type: Method.Post,
Callback: Refacciones.CallBackGetListaRefacciones
CallBackGetListaRefacciones: function (data) {
var dta = data.aaData.Model;
if(dta !=null)
RefaccionesE.tblRefacccionesId = $('#tblRefacccionesId').DataTable(
language: Grid.languageDefault,
dom: 'ft<"lengt"l><"info"i><"pagination"p>',
// Dibujar encabezado
//Dibujamos tabla
InsertaRenglon: function (item, index, arr) {
var table = document.getElementById("tblRefacccionesId");
var row = table.tBodies[0].insertRow();
row.id = "tc" + item.NumeroDeParte;
var cell0 = row.insertCell(0);
var cell1 = row.insertCell(1);
var cell2 = row.insertCell(2);
var cell3 = row.insertCell(3);
var cell4 = row.insertCell(4);
var cell5 = row.insertCell(5);
var cell6 = row.insertCell(6);
cell0.innerHTML = item.NumeroDeParte;
cell1.innerHTML = item.Descripcion;
cell2.innerHTML = item.W1;
cell3.innerHTML = item.W2;
cell4.innerHTML = item.W3;
cell5.innerHTML = item.W4;
cell6.innerHTML = item.W5;
I would appreciate your help, they told me that I could do it with another function but I can not find a clear example on the internet.