Help with query sql (count) in jsp


I need to make a query with the function count of plsql that returns me the number of rows of a query that meets some requirements to then do a if , but I can not get anything back. This is the piece of code.

                    con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, usuariobd, clave);

                /*guardando la conexion en la session*/
                session.setAttribute("conexion", con);

                Statement com = con.createStatement();
                        String textoComando = "SELECT count(idTitulacion) NumeroFilas FROM titulacionalumnos where nombre='" + titulo + "' and centroTitulo='" + centroTitulo + "'; ";
                ResultSet resultado = com.executeQuery(textoComando);

                int numFilas=0;
                while ( {
                    out.println("<h1>numero de filas: " + numFilas + "</h1>");
                    if (numFilas == 0) {
                        out.println("<div>No existe este titulo. Se registrara el nuevo titulo</div>");
                    } else {
                        out.println("<div>El titulo es  " + titulo + " " + centroTitulo + "</div>");


The connection to the database is fine, and the values that I pass from a form also picks them up well. Thanks

asked by Alberto 24.05.2018 в 07:14

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