Voltage Light Sensor Assembler


I'm doing a home automation project with an UNO arduino and I have to use a light sensor, however since in assembly there is no analogRead function () I have to program it, I already read the documentation of avr and atmel about the ADC, the MUX and its selection but it is not clear to me how it is programmed or how it works, I could use an explanation of the following code that a colleague told me, which affirms that the values of a certain PIN are stored in ADCL and ADCH, My question is if someone would be so kind as to explain me the code and what is happening in the ADC MUX. It's a 328p:

.equ F_CPU = 16000000;
.DEF rmp = R16 
.DEF tmp = R17
.DEF tmp2 = R18
.DEF reg1 = r20 
.DEF reg2 = r21
.ORG  0X0100

.ORG $0000

jmp Main 


ldi rmp, HIGH(RAMEND) ; Init MSB stack
out SPH,rmp
ldi rmp, LOW(RAMEND) ; Init LSB stack
out SPL,rmp
; Init Port B
ldi rmp,0xff ; DIRECCION DEL Port B
out DDRB,rmp
rcall ad ; Call ADC Initialization
; [Add all other init routines here]
ldi rmp,1<<SE ; 
out MCUCR,rmp


rcall adcRead
out PORTB,r18
rjmp loop ; go back to loop


ldi rmp, (1<<REFS0) 
sts ADMUX, rmp 
ldi rmp, (1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0)
sts ADCSRA, rmp 


lds rmp, ADCSRA    
ori rmp, (1<<ADSC) 
sts ADCSRA, rmp    


lds  rmp, ADCSRA
sbrc rmp,ADSC
rjmp loopx     
lds r17,ADCL 
lds r18,ADCH 
asked by AleBerto56 25.05.2018 в 06:47

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