JSON - Angular - How do I patch this JSON in my model?


I have doubts about how to consume JSON in Angular, since I can not use the JSON data well in my model.

JSON example: link

My model is as follows

export class Artist {
  idArtist: string;
  strArtist: string;
  strStyle: string;
  strWebsite: string;
  strBiographyES: string;
  strArtistLogo: string;
  strArtistBanner: string;

My Observable:

getArtist(): void {
    .subscribe(artists => this.artist = artists );

My method for API consumption:

 getArtist(): Observable<Artist[]> {
    const URL = 'http://www.theaudiodb.com/api/v1/json/1/search.php?s=coldplay';
    return this.httpClient.get<Artist[]>(URL).pipe(
      tap( _ => console.log('artist found')),
      catchError( this.handleError('getArtist', []))

If I make a print of my Artist type object in TypeScript, I get EXACTLY the same as in the previously exemplified JSON example. Why should not he machete? How can I solve it?

The model can be modified if necessary, I have no restrictions of any kind.

asked by Leandro Gutierrez 11.05.2018 в 00:14

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