This is the first time I take Java classes (or general programming). I'm stuck with the following; They ask me for a program to control the bills of a company that sells products per liter. I must present a menu of options to enter the data, present the data by screen and an option to show the total of the invoices processed.
The data for each invoice are: product code, product description, product quantity, product price and total to be paid.
The program must run until the client wishes to leave and must be created with methods, cyclic structures and selective structures.
So far this is what I have:
package facturacion;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Facturacion {
// constructor
private String codigoProducto;
private String descripcionProducto;
private double cantidadComprada;
private double precioporLitro;
public Facturacion (String codigo, String descripcion, double cantidad,
double precio)
codigoProducto = codigo;
descripcionProducto = descripcion;
cantidadComprada = cantidad;
precioporLitro = precio;
public void setcodigoProducto (String codigo)
codigoProducto = codigo;
public String getcodigoProducto()
return codigoProducto;
public void setdescripcionProducto (String descripcion)
descripcionProducto = descripcion;
public String getdescripcionProducto()
return descripcionProducto;
public void setCantidadComprada (double cantidad)
cantidadComprada = cantidad;
public double getCantidadComprada()
return cantidadComprada;
public void setprecioporLitro (double precio){
precioporLitro = precio;
public double getprecioporLitro()
return precioporLitro;
public double getTotalFactura()
double calculodelmontoTotal;
calculodelmontoTotal = cantidadComprada * precioporLitro;
return calculodelmontoTotal;
public static void main (String args [])
String codigo, descripcion;
double cantidad, precio;
Facturacion factura = new Facturacion ("","",0,0.0);
Scanner input = new Scanner (;
System.out.println("Porporcione el codigo del producto: ");
codigo = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Porporcione la descripcion del producto: ");
descripcion = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Ingrese el precio por litro: ");
precio = input.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Ingrese la cantidad a comprar del producto: ");
cantidad = input.nextDouble();
System.out.printf("\n Codigo del producto: %s",
System.out.printf("\n Descripcion del producto: %s",
System.out.printf("\n Precio por litro: %s", factura.getprecioporLitro());
System.out.printf("\n Cantidad en litros: %s",
System.out.printf(" El total de la factura es: $%.2f\n",
As you can see, I have managed to request the entry of data, the calculation of the total invoice and the output of data on the screen. I lack the method for the options menu, the conditional structures, methods for the total accumulator, the grand total and the option to exit or continue.
Any help you can give me is appreciated.