How to know the value of an array


I recently left a code about how to create dynamic ids in a while cycle.

Now I have this other doubt.

    $Filas = consult_cedula($fila['Persona']);

                 echo "<tr>";
                 echo '<td>' . $Filas['codsucursal'] . '</td>';
                 echo '<td>' . $fila['Persona'] . '</td>';
                 echo '<td>' . $fila['Fecha'] . '</td>';
                 echo '<td>' . $fila['Hora'] . '</td>';
                 echo '<td>' . $Filas['nombre'] . '</td>';
                 echo '<td>' . $Filas['cargo'] . '</td>';

                echo '<td>' . '<input type="button" name="nom' . $n .'" id="btn"' . $i .'"" class="btn btn-danger" value="..." data-fech="' .
                  $fila['Fecha'] . '" data-hora="' . $fila['Hora'] . '" data-ced="' . $fila['Persona'] .
                  '" data-nom="' . $Filas['nombre'] . '" data-cargo="' . $Filas['cargo'] . '">';

                 echo "</tr>";



That's the code and as you can see, the id is already dynamic. Now, for each round the id is different, but how do I capture, for example, the second id with jQuery?
I'm allowing this query to only give me 5 results so I do not do it that long.

asked by Jdavid Barajas 08.05.2018 в 16:21

2 answers


According to what you need the code should be the following:

    // Suponiendo que $i es tu id y necesitas especificamente el id con valor 2
    if($i == 2){
       //Insersion en BD



You tell us if it is what you need and it served you

answered by 08.05.2018 в 16:53

According to your information, it occurs to me in this way to obtain the id of the buttons within the table

 $('#tabla').find('input').each(function() {

<table border="1" id="tabla">

      <td><input type="button" value="Boton1" id="1"> </td>
      <td><input type="button" value="Boton2" id="2"> </td>
      <td><input type="button" value="Boton3" id="3"> </td>
      <td><input type="button" value="Boton4" id="4"> </td>

What I do with that code is that I go through all the input in an orderly way and I get the value of the attribute id and I print it with console.log. Let me know if it helps you. Greetings!.

answered by 08.05.2018 в 17:52