Format result Price


As I can format an integer, I need to visualize it as a price.

r = 100000;
comision = 10000; 
totalp = r+comision;
document.getElementById("total").value = totalp;

Clearly the sum gives 110000

Resultado que quiero obtener en el input


$ 110,000.00

asked by ByGroxD 09.04.2017 в 21:48

3 answers


You can obtain using NumberFormat directly, using constuctor , the values to pass are style with value currency that specifies that it will be a format of divisas . currency to specify the currency to be used in this case will be Dollars, or use external libraries such as Numeral.js

$(function() {
	var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
	  style: 'currency',
	  currency: 'USD'

	r = 100000;
	comision = 10000; 
	totalp = r+comision;
  	document.getElementById("total").value = formatter.format(totalp);
<script src=""></script>
<input type='text' value=''  id="total"/>
answered by 09.04.2017 / 21:57

The code that I leave here in addition to formatting the field according to any mask you place also works as a calculator:

function MASK(form, n, mask) {
 if (NUM(n)) {
  dec = -1, point = 0;
  x = mask.indexOf(".")+1;
  if (x) { dec = mask.length - x; }
  if (dec != -1) {
   n = NUM(n, dec)+"";
   x = n.indexOf(".")+1;
   if (x) { point = n.length - x; } else { n += "."; }
  } else {
   n = NUM(n, 0)+"";
  for (var x = point; x < dec ; x++) {
   n += "0";
  x = n.length, y = mask.length, XMASK = "";
  while ( x || y ) {
   if ( x ) {
    while ( y && mask.charAt(y-1) == "," ) {
     if ( n.charAt(x-1) != "-" )
      XMASK = "," + XMASK;
    XMASK = n.charAt(x-1) + XMASK; x--;
   if ( y ) { y-- }
 } else {
 if (form) { 
  form.value = XMASK;
  if (NUM(n)<0) {"#FF0000";
  } else {"#000000";
 return XMASK;

// Convierte una cadena alfanumérica a numérica (incluyendo formulas aritméticas)
function NUM(s, dec) {
 for (var s = s+"", num = "", x = 0 ; x < s.length ; x++) {
  c = s.charAt(x);
  if (".-+/*".indexOf(c)+1 || c != " " && !isNaN(c)) { num+=c; }
 if (num)
  num = eval(num);
 if (num == "") { num=0; } else { num = parseFloat(num); }
 if (dec != undefined) {
  r=.5; if (num<0) r=-r;
  e=Math.pow(10, (dec>0) ? dec : 0 );
  return parseInt(num*e+r) / e;
 } else {
  return num;
<input onChange="MASK(this, this.value, '##,###,##0.00')" style="text-align: right;"><br>
(Prueba colocando cualquier formula en el campo)
answered by 09.04.2017 в 23:21

Using JQuery:

  "focus": function(event) {
  "keyup": function(event) {
    $(, value) {
      return value.replace(/\D/g, "")
        .replace(/([0-9])([0-9]{2})$/, '$1.$2')
        .replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d)\.?)/g, ",");

<input id="total">

r = 100000;
comision = 10000; 
totalp = r+comision;
  document.getElementById("$"+"total").value = totalp;

Adapted from: How to make my input text have a separator of thousands and decimals in jquery?

answered by 09.04.2017 в 21:55