Listen to new changes from the database with laravel / pusher


I am using this example that gives me the official pusher page, web notifications using pusher with laravel

This will connect to a postgres database and I will extract the data from there, for example, user and message ... I need the notification to arrive when there are new changes in my database, that the pusher hears and I I sent the notification of the new changes with the user and message. I have searched a lot and I have not found an example. For the front-end part I use javascript and PHP back-end. With the simplest example of how I could do it, it is enough to guide me. Thanks

asked by franmavazq 07.05.2018 в 20:57

1 answer


I leave the following link:

Vue Reactive

I have used it with django to make the page reactive and show changes in a database.

The other option is to use a cron that directly consults a class on the back.

answered by 07.05.2018 / 21:02