webapi cshtml capture value in input


HELP, estimated a favor in which way I achieve that when I click on the button called update in the first input I capture the id,

    <link href="~/Content/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"


        //Clean the textbox when submit
        function cleartextboxes() {

        $(document).ready(function () {

        var Propietario = {
            id: 0,
            nombre: "",
            apellido: ""

        // Get all Propietarios to display
        function getPropietarioList() {
            // Call Web API to get a list of Propietarios
                url: '/api/Propietario/',
                type: 'GET',
                dataType: 'json',
                success: function (Propietarios) {
                error: function (request, message, error) {
                    handleException(request, message, error);

        // Display all Propietarios returned from Web API call
        function PropietarioListSuccess(Propietarios) {
            // Iterate over the collection of data
            $("#PropietarioTable tbody").remove();
            $.each(Propietarios, function (index, Propietario) {
                // Add a row to the Propietario table

        // Add Propietario row to <table>
        function PropietarioAddRow(Propietario) {
            // First check if a <tbody> tag exists, add one if not
            if ($("#PropietarioTable tbody").length == 0) {

            // Append row to <table>
            $("#PropietarioTable tbody").append(

        // Build a <tr> for a row of table data
        function PropietarioBuildTableRow(Propietario) {
            var newRow = "<tr class='success'>" +
                //"<td>" + Propietario.id + "</td>" +
                "<td><input   class='input-nombre' type='text' value='" + Propietario.nombre + "' readonly/></td>" +
                "<td><input  class='input-apellido'  type='text' value='" + Propietario.apellido + " ' readonly/></td>" +
                "<td>" +
                "<button type='button' " +
                "onclick='PropietarioUpdate(this);'" +
                "class='btn btn-primary btn-xs' " +
                "data-id='" + Propietario.id + "' " +
                "data-nombre='" + Propietario.nombre + "' " +
                "data-apellido='" + Propietario.apellido + "' " +
                ">" +
                "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit' /> Update" +
                "</button> " +
                " <button type='button' " +
                "onclick='PropietarioDelete(this);'" +
                "class='btn btn-primary btn-xs' " +
                "data-id='" + Propietario.id + "'>" +
                "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove' />Delete" +
                "</button>" +
                "</td>" +

            return newRow;

        function onAddPropietario(item) {
            var options = {};
            options.url = "/api/Propietario";
            options.type = "POST";
            var obj = Propietario;
            obj.nombre = $("#nombre").val();
            obj.apellido = $("#apellido").val();
            options.data = JSON.stringify(obj);
            options.contentType = "application/json";
            options.dataType = "html";

            options.success = function (msg) {
                options.error = function () {
                    $("#msg").html("Error while calling the Web API!");

        function PropietarioUpdate(item) {
            var id = $(item).data("id");
            var options = {};
            //options.url = "/api/Propietario/" + $(item).data("id");
            options.url = "/api/Propietario/"
                + id;
            options.type = "PUT";

            var obj = Propietario;
            obj.id = $(item).data("id");
            obj.nombre = $(".input-nombre", $(item).parent().parent()).val();
            obj.apellido = $(".input-apellido", $(item).parent().parent()).val();
            options.data = JSON.stringify(obj);
            options.contentType = "application/json";
            options.dataType = "html";
            options.success = function (msg) {
            options.error = function () {
                $("#msg").html("Error while calling the Web API!");

        function PropietarioDelete(item) {
            var id = $(item).data("id");
            var options = {};
            options.url = "/api/Propietario/"
                + id;
            options.type = "DELETE";
            options.dataType = "html";
            options.success = function (msg) {
                console.log('msg= ' + msg);
            options.error = function () {
                $("#msg").html("Error while calling the Web API!");

        // Handle exceptions from AJAX calls
        function handleException(request, message, error) {
            var msg = "";
            msg += "Code: " + request.status + "\n";
            msg += "Text: " + request.statusText + "\n";
            if (request.responseJSON != null) {
                msg += "Message" + request.responseJSON.Message + "\n";


        var v1 = Propietario;
        v1.id = $(item).data("id");

        document.getElementsByName("test")[0].value = v1.id;


    <h3>Vehiculos Manager</h3>
    <form id="form-id">

        <div class="table-responsive">
            <table id="PropietarioTable" class="table table-condensed">
                        <td> Id del Cliente </td>
                        <td class="btn-xs"><input id="test" type="text" class="form-control input-sm" value="" readonly name="test"/></td>
                        <td> Nombre </td>
                        <td class="btn-xs"><input id="nombre" type="text" class="form-control input-sm"  /></td>
                        <td> Apellido </td>
                        <td class="btn-xs"><input id="apellido" type="text" class="form-control input-sm"  /></td>

                        <td><input type="button" id="insert" value="Insert" onclick='onAddPropietario(this) ,cleartextboxes();' class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" /></td>

        <br />
        @*<div id="msg"></div>*@



asked by J. Valencia 07.05.2018 в 10:18

0 answers