It happens that I have this code, where I try to pass by the user parameter and password using as a postman tool, I'm honestly new to this so I do not know if I'm doing well or the code is wrong since I get this error in postman'api/v1/Login/:user/:pass',function(request, res){
var usuario = request.params.user;
var contraseña = request.params.pass;
var request = new sql.Request();
request.query("SELECT * FROM dbo.[Client] WHERE username = '"+UsuarioReg+"'AND pass = '"+ContraReg+"'", function (err, recordset) {
if(recordset.rowsAffected > 0){
res.send(JSON.stringify("Usuario identificado correctamente"))
console.log("Usuario identificado correctamente")
console.log("Usuario ["+UsuarioReg+"] no existe")
res.send(JSON.stringify("Error while querying database :- "+err))
console.log("Error while querying database :- "+err)
I would like to know what happens and how to solve it! Sorry if the question is not clear.