I am trying to translate the leaflet routing component. Currently my code is the following. With the instruction language: 'sp' it does not work very well since only translates the form but not the instructions of the route. I know I must use formatter, but I've tried it on several sites and it never works. When I put it the map is not shown
const createRoutingControl = () => {
router: L.Routing.mapbox(config.features.routing.key),
plan: new (L.Routing.Plan.extend({
createGeocoders: function () {
let container = L.Routing.Plan.prototype.createGeocoders.call(this)
let reverseRoute = createButton('↑↓', container)
let copyToClipboard = createButton('5', container, true)
return container
}))([], {
geocoder: geocoder,
language: 'sp'
units: config.features.routing.units,
showAlternatives: true,
autoRoute: true,
routeWhileDragging: true,