I hope I can make myself understood in my question.
I have a "CMS" project, which I have versioned in bitbucket, in which we work 6 people, which we are daily uploading comits repeatedly.
What happens is there are times when a strong change in a file is required but I do not know can go up to production "website" since first it is necessary to check the change and then there is to upload it, but an adjustment of it can arrive file in the time in which the previous change is verified and needs to be uploaded urgently but if it is uploaded, it would be uploaded with the adjustment that is in verification.
The question is, is there a way to have a branch that is "production" which will have all the files in stable state, and if there is a change that needs verification and at the same time an urgent change of upload, make a " merge "to the branch of production but only adding to the file the change that is urgent to upload and omitting the one that needs to be verified, and ps since the previous change is verified, there is yes to make the complete merge of that file to the branch" production "?
I appreciate any help or guidance on how I could solve this problem.