My javascript code is to generate a random number and show it, but I want it to only show it if it is not already included in the array it is the name of the varible ' arr '
<script type="text/javascript">
function aleatorio(a,b, arr) {
var numal = Math.round(Math.random()*(b-a)+parseInt(a));
if (arr.includes( numa1 ) )
aleatorio(a,b, arr);
document.getElementById("sugest").innerHTML=": "+ numal;
Now I have the fix in php of a query .... I get it like this:
$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM db_tabla WHERE id_art = %s",
GetSQLValueString($colname_Articulo, "int"));
$datos = mysqli_query($connect, $query) or die(mysqli_error($connect));
$row_datos = mysqli_fetch_assoc($datos);
$totalRows_datos = mysqli_num_rows($datos);
$all [$i]= $row_datos['numero'];
}while(($row_datos = mysqli_fetch_assoc($datos))&&($i<=$totalRows_datos))
and I call the function like this:
<button type="button" onClick="aleatorio(1,<?php echo $max ?>,
<?php echo $all ?>);" >Sugerencia </button>
In this case he tells me that:
notice: array to string conversion
Try to do a json_encode , but I do not know how to check inside the function whether the num is in the json or not ...