Hello I would need help or some idea for how to calculate the total score of this card game in JavaScript, the problem is that every time I call the score function I reset the internal variables and I can not create the total score
// Funcion puntuacion y calculos
function puntuacion(array) {
var ultimaTirada = 0;
var puntuacionTotal = 0;
var valColor1 = 0;
var valColor2 = 0;
var valColor3 = 0;
var valColor4 = 0;
// Hacemos el calculo de que si el color que esta en esa posicion de la array es ese, que haga el caluclo correspondiente
for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
if (array[i] == 'red'){
valColor1 += -2 ;
} else if(array[i] == 'green'){
valColor2 += 3;
} else if(array[i] == 'blue'){
valColor3 += 2;
} else if(array[i] == 'yellow'){
valColor4 += 1;
ultimaTirada = valColor1 + valColor2 + valColor3 + valColor4;
// Guardo la ultima tirada y voy sumando
totalScore += ultimaTirada; // Aquí tengo el error //
// Pinto la ultima tirada y el total del score
document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = "Valor de la ultima Tirada: <b>" + ultimaTirada + " </b><br>Puntuación Final: " + puntuacionTotal;
// Colores random
/* Math.random() entre 5 color azul,rojo,verde,amarillo,
El color rojo resta puntos*/
function coloresRandom() {
// Ocultamos los bototnes de modos de juego
if (document.getElementById("C2").style.visibility == 'visible'){
document.getElementById("jugar3").style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById("jugar4").style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById("jugar5").style.visibility = 'hidden';
// Variable para random
var numRandom;
// Blue
// Red
// Green
// Yellow
var arrayColores = ["url('http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jUiUFYNSktQ/Vi-KImE5GnI/AAAAAAAErfM/8n2P2wH_sug/s1600/FONDOS%2BPARA%2BTEL%25C3%2589FONOS%2B%252843%2529.gif')",
var colores = ['','','',''];
// id name
var carta1 = document.getElementById("C1");
var carta2 = document.getElementById("C2");
var carta3 = document.getElementById("C3");
var carta4 = document.getElementById("C4");
var carta5 = document.getElementById("C5");
// Contador
var contador = 0;
// Miramos si es visible , si lo es la contamos
if (carta1.style.visibility == 'visible' && carta2.style.visibility == 'visible' && carta3.style.visibility == 'visible' && carta4.style.visibility == 'visible' && carta5.style.visibility == 'visible') {
contador = 5;
}else if (carta1.style.visibility == 'visible' && carta2.style.visibility == 'visible' && carta3.style.visibility == 'visible' && carta4.style.visibility == 'visible') {
contador = 4;
} else if (carta2.style.visibility == 'visible' && carta3.style.visibility == 'visible' && carta4.style.visibility == 'visible') {
contador = 3;
for (var i = 0; i < contador; i++) {
numRandom = Math.floor((Math.random() *4));
// Guardar en cada numero un color
if(numRandom == 0){
colores[i] = 'red';
} else if(numRandom == 1){
colores[i] = 'green';
} else if(numRandom == 2){
colores[i] = 'blue';
} else if(numRandom == 3){
colores[i] = 'yellow';
if (i == 3) {
carta1.style.backgroundImage = arrayColores[numRandom];
} else if (i == 0) {
carta2.style.backgroundImage = arrayColores[numRandom];
} else if (i == 1) {
carta3.style.backgroundImage = arrayColores[numRandom];
} else if (i == 2) {
carta4.style.backgroundImage = arrayColores[numRandom];
} else if (i == 4) {
carta5.style.backgroundImage = arrayColores[numRandom];