When trying to create a new project with Android Studio. I could do the typical "Hello World". But now when I try to do the 2nd program I get this error.
Execution failed for task ': app: generateDebugBuildConfig':
I've tried with project Structure
and nothing.
I have the latest version of Android Studio and gradle.
16:10 Gradle sync started
16:11 Project setup started
16:11 Gradle sync finished in 38s 81ms
16:11 Executing tasks: [: app: generateDebugSources, : app: generateDebugAndroidTestSources,: app: mockableAndroidJar]
16:11 Gradle build finished with 1 error (s) in 4s 974ms
this is what I get: 16:10 Gradle sync started
16:11 Project setup started
16:11 Gradle sync finished in 38s 81ms
16:11 Executing tasks: [: app: generateDebugSources,: app: generateDebugAndroidTestSources,: app: mockableAndroidJar]
16:11 Gradle build finished with 1 error (s) in 4s 974ms