Greetings again here. Some time ago I asked a question like this, but that time I solved it with an answer that they gave me and then I got through with that. But this time I need to find a way to do this. I need to process a registration form with Ajax and pass the data to my php. I'm using classes, methods, POO in short using PDO. The truth is that now if I have to find a way through my ajax, pass the data to a method of my class. It is a registration form and I want to pass the data directly to the method of my class from the url variable of my ajax. This is what I have done:
url:'Controllers/procesar_registro.php',//AQUI ES DONDE QUIERO PASARLE LOS DATOS AL METODO
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: $(this).serialize(),
beforeSend: function(){
$('#enviar').attr("disabled", "disabled");
if(response.respuesta == false){
location.href = 'index.php';
public function NuevoAdmin(){
if(isset($_POST['newAdmin']) && !empty($_POST)){
$name = $_POST['name']; $ape = $_POST['ape']; $ced = $_POST['ced'];
$id_estado = $_POST['estado']; $id_perfil = $_POST['id_perfil']; $username = $_POST['username'];
$pass = $_POST['pass']; $date = date('d-m-Y');
Then what I would like is something like this in my ajax
url: 'Controllers / Controllers.php / NewAdmin', which would be the name of the folder, the name of the file and the name of the method.
I am not sure if this can be done, but I have researched and seen on the internet that a person has done it the way I say but has used a constant echo URL / Name of the method, and it has worked. I've tried and I could not make it work, I do not know if it's because the way I saw was using an autoload or something like that.
I have also achieved this:
//cuando hagamos submit al formulario con id id_del_formulario
//se procesara este script javascript
url: $(this).attr("action"),//action del formulario, ej:
type: $(this).attr("method"),//el método post o get del formulario
data: $(this).serialize(),//obtenemos todos los datos del formulario
error: function(){
//si hay un error mostramos un mensaje
//hacemos algo cuando finalice todo correctamente
In this example, in the url, the action of the form passes, so would you give me to understand that my form could send it to my controller?
I would really like to get the way to do it, without first having to send the data to a file and then send it to my class method. Who can help me with this, I'll be grateful!