ngRoute: Temporary template for 5 seconds when accessing a route with id


How can I make a template display temporarily for 5 seconds when accessing a specific path with id -The path with id already has its own template-, after 5 seconds the template that should have been shown originally in the route? I searched everywhere and I did not find anything about it. : (

This is an example of how I have the routes:

.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', function($routeProvider,$locationProvider){
        redirectTo: '/news'
        templateUrl: 'html/news.html',
        controller: 'newsCtrl',
        controllerAs: 'news',
        title: 'Noticias'
        templateUrl: 'html/article.html',
        controller: 'articleCtrl',
        controllerAs: 'article',
        title: 'Artículo'          
        redirectTo: '/error404'

This code makes the template show at a certain time, maybe it could be done with something like that, right?

resolve: {
      delay: function($q,$timeout){
        var delay = $q.defer();
        $timeout(delay.resolve, 250);
        return delay.promise;
asked by adrianojosue 01.08.2016 в 23:48

2 answers


If I understood correctly you want something like this

url -> 0s -> plantilla temporal -> 5s -> plantilla final

This is not possible either by changing the template using templateUrl: function or by using resolve , the reason is as follows:

  • The options template or templateUrl when you use it with a function instead of a string expect you to return content ( string ), not a promise ( $timeout )

        templateUrl: function() {
            // Siempre debes retornar un string
            return 'html/news.html';

    template : html template in the form of a string, or a function that returns an html template as a string that should be used by the ngView or ngInclude directives.

  • Using a resolve you can return a promise but this implies that:

    • When the page is pending, it is waiting and does not browse
    • When the page is resolved, navigate to the template or templateUrl that you configured and do not allow further modifications
    • When the navigation fails, it fails and does not navigate

    None of the above options do what you want

  • The closest option is redirectTo but this, like template expects you to return a string and not a promise.


    The redirectTo function expects you to return a string that will be used to update $location.path() and $

  • Solution

    Make a new controller and pass the url to which you must redirect in the query. After 5 seconds redirect

    angular.module('app', ['ngRoute'])
      .config(function($routeProvider) {
          .when('/temporal/:id', {
            template: '<h1>Redireccionando en {{tiempo}} s</h1><div><a href="#/siguiente/3">Navegar ahora</a></div>',
            controller: 'TemporalCtrl'
          .when('/siguiente/:id', {
            template: '<h1>En la siguiente vista el id es {{id}}</h1>',
            controller: 'SiguienteCtrl'
      .controller('TemporalCtrl', function($scope, $interval, $location, $routeParams) {
        var promise;
        $scope.tiempo = 5;
        promise = $interval(function() {
          $scope.tiempo = $scope.tiempo - 1;
          if ($scope.tiempo === 0) {
            $location.url('/siguiente/' + $
        }, 1000, $scope.tiempo);
        $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
      .controller('SiguienteCtrl', function($scope, $routeParams) {
        $ = $;
      .run(function($location, $timeout) {
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div ng-app="app">
      <div ng-view></div>
    answered by 03.08.2016 / 17:36

    Try this to see:

      setTimeout(function () {
      window.location = '/ruta'
      }, 5000);
    answered by 02.08.2016 в 20:09