How to post information from a form to mongodb with angularjs


I'm doing a project with YOMAN ANGULAR-FULLSTACK (angularjs + node + mongodb) and I need to upload data from a form to a database. The problem is that so far I can upload empty content, but I do not know how I should do to load the fields I fill in the form ... (I can see all the elements and delete them, but not upload a new one from the form) This is my .pug

form(name='edit', novalidate='')
   label  Name
   input.form-control(type='text', ng-model='name.curso', name='name', id='name' required='')
button.btn.btn-primary(type='submit', ng-click='newitemCtrl.submit()') Save

and this is my component:

submit() {

export default angular.module('bomApp.newitem', [uiRouter])
.component('newitem', {
template: require('./newitem.pug'),
controller: NewitemComponent,
controllerAs: 'newitemCtrl'


And this is the result of what I see when I hit the save button

Could someone give me some guidance on how to proceed, please? Thank you so much! :)

asked by Pil 13.02.2018 в 15:11

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