How can I achieve this with CommonChunPlugin from WebPack?


What happens is that I just saw a package made with webpack, which returns a function called webpackJsop that causes the javascript code to load asynchronously by chunks. This is the plugin link CommonChunkPlugin

This is the code returns once it is packaged and that I would like to be able to do:

webpackJsonp(["main"], {
    // main corresponde al archivo main.js
    "xyz": function() {
        // xyz corresponde a la ruta relativa del archivo main.js pero codificado en base64
        console.log("Hola mundo")

The coding of file paths is achieved with this plugin HashedModulesPlugin

This is the code of main.js :

console.log("Hola mundo");

And when I try to do the same, just give me this back:

webpackJsopn([0], {
    "xyz": function() {
        console.log("Hola mundo")

And as my question says, how could I achieve it as it appears in the first example code. I hope you can help me, and thank you for your patience and help. :)

asked by Eddy Otsutsuki 13.02.2018 в 05:43

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