Save obj with php in mysql


I have this onClick in js

$("#TblAsigRol > tbody").on('click', '.c_BtnGurdarRol', function(event) 
     var nombre=;
     var toRemove = 'btnguardar';
     var id= nombre.replace(toRemove,'');

     //se toma la c�dula
     var idempleado = 'documen_ident' + '' +  id;
     var doc= $("#" + idempleado).val();

     //Se toma el valor del rol
     var idrol = 'rol' + '' +  id;
     var rolemp= $("#" + idrol).val();
     //alert(doc + " " +  rolemp);
    procesarDatos("ModificarRol", {idoc:doc, rol:rolemp, obj:cdc2 });


The problem I have is that the object cdc2 which comes with a value of 0: "CCC0" . then when passing the values in a function in php which is

function ModificarRol($datos)

              $FechaActual= fechaActual();

              $sql = 'UPDATE 'empleados' SET idrol=\''. $datos['rol']. '\' , UsuarioModificion=\''. $_SESSION['NombreUsario']. '\' , FechaModificacion=\''. $FechaActual. '\' WHERE docum_ident = \''.$datos['idoc'] . '\';';
              $result = execute_query($sql);

              foreach ($datos['obj']  as $row ) {

                  $sql = 'INSERT INTO 'detalle_usuarioxcc' ('docum_ident', 'CentroCosto') VALUES ("'.$datos['idoc'].'", "'.$row['obj'].'")';
                  $result = execute_query($sql);

              echo json_encode($result);

At the moment of inserting into obj in mysql, only the first character is inserted, that is, the table is CentroCosto = C

asked by Eduard 26.01.2018 в 20:31

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