I have a Table $("#tablaOficinista").DataTable();
I can add:
With their respective id's, example:
<tr id="100">...</tr>
I add them with the following code:
var tablaOficinista = $("#tablaOficinista").DataTable();
I create a new row:
var html = [pases.nombre_persona, pases.apellido_persona, pases.cedula_persona, pases.telefono_persona, pases.verificado, pases.fecha_pase, "mover"];
I add the new row:
var tr = tablaOficinista.row.add(html).draw(false).node();
$(tr).attr("id", pases.id_pase);
The problem is that you have to consult the new id's, just inserted when I do:
this comes out:
if you insert the <tr>
with your step_id and its data, but inside the jquery database DataTable (). rows (). ids () you only see "undefined";
That is, in the console when you place $("#tablaOficinista").DataTable().row("100").id();
it goes out "undefined"
How do I insert a new ID to the DataTable () in its .rows (). ids ()?