How about?
I would not be validating that the phone has less than 8 characters
I tried to do it with onblur but it bugea when I put email
I also tried with onsubmit (which would be ideal directly) but still doing nothing
Any suggestions are welcome
<!DOCTYPE html>
<HTML LANG="es">
<HEAD><meta charset="utf-8"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="estilo.css">
function ValidarEmail(mail)
alert ("Mail invalido")
function ValidarTelefono(fono)
if(fono.value.lenght < 8)
alert ("Escriba su número completo")
<body background="imagenes/fondo4.jpg">
<font color= black size=4>
<form name="Contacto" action="mailto:[email protected]" method=post onsubmit="submit()">
Nombre: <input type=text name=nombre style="width: 12.3em"> <br><br>
E-mail: <input type=email name=email style="width:13.05em " onchange="return ValidarEmail(this)"> <br><br>
Teléfono: <input type=number name=tel style="width: 11.95em" onchange="return ValidarTelefono(this)"> <br><br>
Asunto: <input type=text name=asunto style="width: 12.85em"> <br> <br>
¿Desea recibir informaciòn en su correo? <input type= radio name=info checked value=cy> Sí <input type=radio name= info value=ño> No <br> <br>
Escriba su consulta:<br> <textarea rows=10 cols=80 name=consulta noresize> </textarea>
Ingrese su código de socio (en caso de que haya comprado anteriormente): <input type=password maxlength=4 size=6 name=cod> <br> <br>
<input type=reset value="Borrar todo">
<input type=submit value="Enviar">