I have a question for hours trying to solve it but I have not found any solution.
I have an arrangement that comes from a bd which is dynamic between months and quantities, which is to use it to show some graphs, what I need is to group the months and add their respective values. Any solution? Thanks in advance.
The idea is to keep the months grouped together and the amounts added, in this case like this:
The query is the following
public function graficoMesesTecnico($tecnico,$desde,$hasta,$tipo){
$this->db->select("SHA1(i.id) as 'hash_id',
i.id as id,
it.tipo as especialidad,
it.id as id_especialidad,
it.precio_baremo_1 as precio_baremo_1,
it.precio_baremo_2 as precio_baremo_2,
it.porcentaje_maestro as porcentaje_maestro,
it.porcentaje_ayudante1 as porcentaje_ayudante1,
it.porcentaje_ayudante2 as porcentaje_ayudante2,
i.maestro as rut_maestro,
i.maestro2 as rut_maestro2,
i.ayudante1 as rut_ayudante1,
i.ayudante2 as rut_ayudante2,
CONCAT(u1.primer_nombre,' ',u1.apellido_paterno) as 'maestro',
CONCAT(u2.primer_nombre,' ',u2.apellido_paterno) as 'ayudante1',
CONCAT(u3.primer_nombre,' ',u3.apellido_paterno) as 'ayudante2',
CONCAT(u5.primer_nombre,' ',u5.apellido_paterno) as 'maestro2'
$this->db->from('movistar_informes_de_avance as i');
$this->db->join('usuario as u1', 'u1.rut = i.maestro', 'left');
$this->db->join('usuario as u2', 'u2.rut = i.ayudante1', 'left');
$this->db->join('usuario as u3', 'u3.rut = i.ayudante2', 'left');
$this->db->join('usuario as u5', 'u5.rut = i.maestro2', 'left');
$this->db->join('movistar_especialidades as it', 'it.id = i.id_tipo', 'left');
$this->db->where('i.estado', 3);
$this->db->where('(i.ayudante1="'.$tecnico.'" or i.ayudante2="'.$tecnico.'")');
}else if($tipo=="3"){
$this->db->where('i.maestro', $tecnico);
$this->db->where("i.fecha_ingreso BETWEEN '".$desde."' AND '".$hasta."'");
$this->db->order_by('i.fecha_ingreso', 'asc');
//echo $this->db->last_query();
$temp[] = array("Mes","CLP");
foreach($res->result_array() as $key){
$this->db->select('(CAST(mmo.puntos_baremos AS DECIMAL(10,3))*sum(md.cantidad_mano_obra)) as "totalpb",
MONTH(m.fecha_ingreso) as mes',false);
$this->db->from('movistar_informes_de_avance_detalle as md');
$this->db->join('movistar_informes_de_avance as m', 'm.id = md.id_informe', 'left');
$this->db->join('movistar_mano_de_obra as mmo', 'mmo.id = md.id_mano_obra', 'left');
$this->db->join('movistar_unidad_de_obra as muo', 'muo.id = md.id_unidad_obra', 'left');
$this->db->where('id_informe', $key["id"]);
foreach($res2->result_array() as $key2){
}elseif($tipo==3) {//MAESTRO
$temp[] = array($this->mes_corto($key2["mes"]),(float)round($clp_individual));
$filas = $temp;
return $filas;