Error comparing data


In a form I am performing the UPDATE of a record in the DB. To do this:

  • I select a record from a Datagreed-
  • I insert the data in fields to be able to modify them. Along with this I pass the data to an arrangement.
  • Then I modify the fields that I need and I click on a "RECORD" button
  • I compare the fields with those in the array and so I know which ones to update and which ones I do not.

The problem is generated when comparing some fields, since not having been modified they should not be added to the query, and if it is happening.

Then I leave the code.

Here I assign the values to the text fields and store the values in the array.

Private Sub gvRegistros_DoubleClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles gvRegistros.DoubleClick

    accion = "UPDATE"
    gb_registro.Enabled = True
    'Valido el ID del registro a actualizar!
    If Not gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value.Equals("") Then
        idToUpdate = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value.ToString() 'Lo asigno a una variable global.
        camposToUpdate(21) = idToUpdate.ToString() ' ID
    End If

    lb_numreg.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(1).Value.ToString()

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(2).Value) Then
        cb_un.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(0) = "" ' UN
        cb_un.Text = Convert.ToString(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(2).Value)
        camposToUpdate(0) = Convert.ToString(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(2).Value)
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(3).Value) Then
        dtp_fecha.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(1) = "" ' FECRET
        dtp_fecha.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(3).Value)
        camposToUpdate(1) = Convert.ToDateTime(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(3).Value)
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(4).Value) Then
        cb_instalacion.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(2) = "" ' INST
        cb_instalacion.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(4).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(2) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(4).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(5).Value) Then
        txt_direccion.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(3) = "" ' DIRECC
        txt_direccion.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(5).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(3) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(5).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(6).Value) Then
        txt_comuna.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(4) = "" ' COMUNA
        txt_comuna.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(6).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(4) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(6).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(7).Value) Then
        txt_ppu.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(5) = "" ' PPU
        txt_ppu.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(7).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(5) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(7).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(8).Value) Then
        txt_buses.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(6) = "" ' BUSOPE
        txt_buses.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(8).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(6) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(8).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(9).Value) Then
        txt_comparacion.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(7) = "" ' COMPRO
        txt_comparacion.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(9).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(7) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(9).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(10).Value) Then
        txt_marca.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(8) = "" ' MARCA
        txt_marca.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(10).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(8) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(10).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(11).Value) Then
        txt_modelo.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(9) = "" ' MODELO
        txt_modelo.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(11).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(9) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(11).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(12).Value) Then
        txt_ano.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(10) = "" ' ANO
        txt_ano.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(12).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(10) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(12).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(13).Value) Then
        txt_tipveh.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(11) = "" ' TIPVEH
        txt_tipveh.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(13).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(11) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(13).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(14).Value) Then
        txt_norma.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(12) = "" ' NORMA
        txt_norma.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(14).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(12) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(14).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(15).Value) Then
        txt_filtrofab.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(13) = "" ' FABINC
        txt_filtrofab.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(15).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(13) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(15).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(16).Value) Or gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(16).Value.Equals("") Or gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(16).Value.Equals("N/A") Or gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(17).Value.Equals("-") Or Not gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(16).Value.Contains("-") Then
        dtp_instfiltro.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()
        camposToUpdate(14) = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() ' FILINC
        dtp_instfiltro.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(16).Value)
        camposToUpdate(14) = Convert.ToDateTime(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(16).Value)
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(17).Value) Then
        txt_marcafiltro.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(15) = "" ' MARFIL
        txt_marcafiltro.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(17).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(15) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(17).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(18).Value) Then
        cb_condicion.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(16) = "" ' CONDIC
        cb_condicion.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(18).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(16) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(18).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(19).Value) Then
        txt_observaciones.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(17) = "" ' OBSERV
        txt_observaciones.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(19).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(17) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(19).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(20).Value) Then
        txt_infoextra.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(18) = "" ' EXTINF
        txt_infoextra.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(20).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(18) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(20).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(21).Value) Then
        txt_responsable.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(19) = "" ' RESPON
        txt_responsable.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(21).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(19) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(21).Value.ToString()
    End If

    If IsNothing(gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(22).Value) Then
        txt_conductor.Text = ""
        camposToUpdate(20) = "" ' CONDUC
        txt_conductor.Text = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(22).Value.ToString()
        camposToUpdate(20) = gvRegistros.CurrentRow.Cells(22).Value.ToString()
    End If

    GRABARToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = True

End Sub

Then on the record button, I see if I insert a new record or if I update one. If action="UPDATE", I update.

Private Sub GRABARToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles GRABARToolStripMenuItem.Click
    Dim query As String
    FormLogin.txt_password.Text = ""

    If accion.Equals("INSERT") Then
        query = crearQueryInsert()
        If query IsNot Nothing Then
            Dim action_ As New SqlCommand(query, SConexion)
            MsgBox("Acción finalizada exitosamente.")
            MsgBox("Inserción Fallida", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
            Exit Sub
        End If
    ElseIf accion.Equals("UPDATE") Then
        query = crearQueryUpdate(camposToUpdate)
        MsgBox("Realice un acción antes de grabar.")
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

Then in the "createQueryUpdate" method I compare the values and create the query.

Private Function crearQueryUpdate(ByVal ParamArray arr() As String) As String
    Dim query As String = ""
    query = "UPDATE Registro SET "

    If String.Compare(arr(0), cb_un.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(0), cb_un.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "UN = '" + arr(0) + "', " ' comparando UN
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(1), Convert.ToString(dtp_fecha.Value)) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(1), Convert.ToString(dtp_fecha.Value)) < 0 Then
        query += "FECRET = '" + arr(1) + "', " ' comparando FECHA
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(2), cb_instalacion.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(2), cb_instalacion.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "INST = '" + arr(2) + "', " ' comparando COD INSTALACION
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(3), txt_direccion.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(3), txt_direccion.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "DIRECC = '" + arr(3) + "', " ' comparando DIRECCION
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(4), txt_comuna.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(4), txt_comuna.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "COMUNA = '" + arr(4) + "', " ' comparando COMUNA
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(5), txt_ppu.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(5), txt_ppu.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "PPU = '" + arr(5) + "', " ' comparando PPU
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(6), txt_buses.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(6), txt_buses.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "BUSOPE = '" + arr(6) + "', " ' comparando BUSES OPERATIVOS
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(7), txt_comparacion.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(7), txt_comparacion.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "COMPRO = '" + arr(7) + "', " ' comparando COMPROBACIÓN
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(8), txt_marca.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(8), txt_marca.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "MARCA = '" + arr(8) + "', " ' comparando MARCA
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(9), txt_modelo.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(9), txt_modelo.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "MODELO = '" + arr(9) + "' " ' comparando MODELO
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(10), txt_ano.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(10), txt_ano.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "ANO = '" + arr(10) + "', " ' comparando AÑO
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(11), txt_tipveh.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(11), txt_tipveh.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "TIPVEH = '" + arr(11) + "', " ' comparando TIPO VEHICULO
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(12), txt_norma.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(12), txt_norma.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "NORMA = '" + arr(12) + "', " ' comparando NORMA
    End If

    If String.Compare(Convert.ToString(arr(13)), Convert.ToString(txt_filtrofab.Text)) > 0 Or String.Compare(Convert.ToString(arr(13)), Convert.ToString(txt_filtrofab.Text)) < 0 Then
        query += "FABINC = '" + arr(13) + "', " ' comparando FILTRO FAB INC
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(14), Convert.ToString(dtp_instfiltro.Value)) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(14), Convert.ToString(dtp_instfiltro.Value)) < 0 Then
        query += "FILINC = '" + arr(14) + "', " ' comparando FECHA INST. FILTRO
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(15), txt_marcafiltro.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(15), txt_marcafiltro.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "MARFIL = '" + arr(15) + "', " ' comparando MARCA FILTRO
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(16), cb_condicion.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(16), cb_condicion.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "CONDIC = '" + arr(16) + "', " ' comparando CONDICION
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(17), txt_observaciones.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(17), txt_observaciones.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "OBSERV = '" + arr(17) + "', " ' comparando OBSERVACIONES
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(18), txt_infoextra.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(18), txt_infoextra.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "EXTINF = '" + arr(18) + "', " ' comparando INFORMACIÓN EXTRA
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(19), txt_responsable.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(19), txt_responsable.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "RESPON = '" + arr(19) + "' " ' comparando RESPONSABLE
    End If

    If String.Compare(arr(20), txt_conductor.Text) > 0 Or String.Compare(arr(20), txt_conductor.Text) < 0 Then
        query += "CONDUC = '" + arr(20) + "', " ' comparando CONDUCTOR
    End If

    'query = query.TrimEnd(", ")
    If query.Length > 2 Then
        query = Convert.ToString(query.Remove(query.Length - 2))
        query += " WHERE ID = '" + Convert.ToString(idToUpdate) + "' "
        query = ""
    End If


    'Return query
End Function

I hope you can help me.


asked by Luippo 08.01.2018 в 16:27

1 answer


I just solved the problem. It was generated that when going to the grid it takes as capital letters and the original values are uppercase and lowercase.

Fixed that worked perfectly.


answered by 08.01.2018 в 19:42