Greetings guys. I am working on a project in PHP Oriented to objects with PDO, it turns out that I am doing the tests of the methods and I was presented with an error in the query by id. I proceed to explain my code:
First I have my class Connection in which I have my constructor with the connection and two more methods:
<?php namespace Models;
class Conexion{
private $con;
public function __construct(){
$this->con = new \PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=poo_pdo','root','');
}catch(PDOExcepcion $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
//Metodo para llamar la conexion y decirle que se va a ejecutar una query
public function consultaSimple($sql){
//Metodo para retornar lo que se consulte
public function consultaRetorno($sql){
$datos= $this->con->prepare($sql);
return $datos;
The next class is the Student's. The method that is presenting me with a problem is what is called view (), it turns out that I am returning false, I have printed with var_dump and it is showing me false, it is not returning anything, this is the class:
<?php namespace Models;
class Estudiante{
private $id;
private $name;
private $edad;
private $promedio;
private $imagen;
private $fecha;
private $id_seccion;
private $con;
public function __construct(){
$this->con = new Conexion();
public function set($atributo, $contenido){
$this->$atributo = $contenido;
public function get($atributo){
return $this->$atributo;
public function listar(){
$sql = "SELECT t1.*, t2.nombre as nombre_seccion FROM estudiantes t1 INNER JOIN secciones t2 ON t1.id_seccion =";
return $datos;
public function add(){
$sql = "INSERT INTO estudiantes(id,nombres,edad,promedio,img,fecha,id_seccion)
public function delete(){
$sql = "DELETE FROM estudiantes WHERE id = :id";
public function edit(){
$sql = "UPDATE FROM estudiantes SET nombres = :name, edad = :edad, promedio = :promedio, id_seccion = :id_seccion WHERE id = :id ";
public function view(){
$sql = "SELECT nombres FROM estudiantes WHERE id = :id ";
$datos = $this->con->consultaRetorno($sql);
$row = $datos->fetch();
return $row;
As I said the view method is the one that is giving me problems. Through the set () method, I pass parameters to make the query since I'm just testing. I do it this way:
require_once "Config/Autoload.php";
$est = new Models\Estudiante(); //Instancio la clase
$est->set("id", 3); //Llamo al método set de la clase y le paso los parámetros que quiero consultar
$datos = $est->view();
print $datos['nombres'];
What I want to do is consult the student with id = 3, but as I said it does not show anything on the screen, everything is blank and when I print with var_dump I see that false returns. I need help please thanks