I hope you can help me one more time. The issue is that I must save the results that I get in the database javascript. and the value that the first select of the id="hotels" keeps is the price instead of the hotel .. and I also need to show the price of children and adults in an input to keep them in the db. Reservation Transport
<select name="hotel" class="cont form-control" id="hoteles" required> <!--COMBO BOX hoteles-->
$consulta = "SELECT hotel,precio From hoteles where id = id_zona";
while ($f=mysqli_fetch_array($query,MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$id = $f['id'];
$hotel = $f['hotel'];
$precio = $f['precio'];
<option value="<?php echo $precio ?>"> <?php echo $hotel; ?> </option>
<span id="" class="">Adults:</span>
<select name="num_adultos" class=" form-control" id="adultos" required>
$consulta = "select * From numero_clientes";
while ($h=mysqli_fetch_array($query,MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$num_adult = $h['numero_personas'];
<option><?php echo $num_adult ?> </option>
<label type="text" name="pre_adulto" id="pre_adulto"></label>
<span id="tituloCombo">Children:</span>
<select name="num_ninos" class="contN form-control" id="ninos"> <!--COMBO BOX niños-->
$consulta = "SELECT * FROM numero_clientes";
while ($c=mysqli_fetch_array($query,MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$num_nino =$c['numero_personas'];
<option><?php echo $num_nino; ?> </option>
<label class="titulo4" disabled name="pre_ninos" id="pre_ninos"></label> <label class="titulo4">USD</label>
<span class="titulo4"> Price: $</span>
<label class="titulo4" id="precio-total" disabled></label>
< ------------------------ > script the script is not mine ------------ >
document.querySelectorAll("select").forEach(function(selector) { // funcion de multiplicar pasajeros.
selector.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
var price = document.querySelector("#hoteles").value;
var nb_adults = document.querySelector("#adultos").value;
var adu = document.querySelector("#pre_adulto ").innerHTML = price*nb_adults;
var nb_kids = document.querySelector("#ninos").value;
var nin = document.querySelector("#pre_ninos").innerHTML= price*nb_kids;
document.querySelector("#precio-total").innerHTML = (adu+nin);
console.log({adu, nin});