Good morning, I'm starting to use Django and well I have a problem, and I'm not able to call a function that I created in python through a button and / or a href.
In my file I have the method that I want to execute when I click on the link or on the button (try to do it in two ways and none of them work for me.-.- ').
def getSyncGit(request, section):
print 'PATATA' #(lo tengo para ver en el log si se ejecuta o no.)
path = os.environ.get('BASE_DIR') + '/DEAdministration/admSyncGit/'
cmd = '. ' + path + ' '
p = sp.Popen(['/bin/bash', '-c', cmd], stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE)
result = p.wait()
return HttpResponseRedirect(getURL(request.LANGUAGE_CODE, '/assistant/configuration/project/list/'))
Then in the file of I import this method and I create the url in the following way:
from .views import getSyncGit
url(r'^/project/sync/$', getSyncGit, {'section':'configuracion'}, name='pgetSyncGit'),
and then in the .html I have the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
function sendSyncProject()
$.ajax({url: "{% url 'pgetSyncGit' %}", success: function(result){
<input id="butSendSyncProject" type="button" name="butSendSyncProject" style="margin-left:1px;" value="{% trans 'Sincronizar proyectos' %}" onclick="sendSyncProject()" />
<a href = "{% url 'pgetSyncGit' %}"> asdasdasdasdasddas </a>
When I make the call by the button, I get the alert message, but the function is not executed, since it does not press the 'PATATA'
When I make the call through the href, it redirects me to the "/ project / sync /" page with an error, but neither does the method correctly because it does not do the print or anything ....
Any help?
Thank you very much.
--- EDITO --- At the time of executing it, I have open the server log, so I print them if they appear in the logger.
The strange thing is that ... If the method that I have created, I put it in an existing one, if it makes the call correctly and I do the print for the server log.
However, when I do it the way I'm doing it, by calling the address with the method and passing the href to that address, I get the following error:
"Failed to delete table with cod_project sync. -- invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'sync'"
I've just changed the order ... and it works: S