The X cut is a partial cut of the day, this is done when there is a shift change. While the Z cut is a cut of the day .
Let's give an example:
The company employs 4 employees, two in the shift from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (morning shift) and the others from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. These employees are obviously not authorized to make the cuts, because they can "cheat" (so to speak) when making the cuts. If one day there is a shortage of money in the cashier and that employee reports the cut as settled, he would throw the next shift cashier into trouble. Now we must remember that in a company or business the box can never be empty, for reasons of change available for the next shift and all that (Well in most cases, it depends a lot on the company's turn), then at At the moment of making a cut as well as verifying the difference between the balance that should be in the box and the one that actually exists, you can also put a field with the initial amount with the that the box started.
From this I could help you with these points:
- As the administrator is responsible for the establishment's money, only he can make a cashier's cut so leave that option only for a user account with those privileges, and ask for the password every time is going to make a cut.
- If there are two shifts per day, only one X cut and one Z cut will be made, the first (X cut) a will be made at 8:00 PM and the cut of the day (Z cut) at 8:00 the next day. This is because, for reasons of date and time, most sales are made between the day shift and the first part of the night shift, and in case of any claim or refund, there will be the possibility of modifying it at the latest. day after before 8:00.
- I show you a suggestion of how your table might look:
Turn table
idturno int(4)
idcajero int(3)
numcaja int(2)
fecha date
turno varchar(5)
montoinicial int(5)
montofinal int(5)
ventasturno int(5)
diferencia int(5)
idturno: is a unique identifier, the most basic. You could occupy the identifier as the date of the shift, however when there are two
There may be confusion.
idcajero: the person who was in charge of the money in that shift, therefore the person responsible for missing or leaving money.
numcaja: (optional) This field would be used if there is more than one cashier in the establishment.
date: date of work, as I explained above, the date would begin one day at 8:00, covering the day shift (until the
20:00) and ending until the next day at 8:00 including the
night shift, this due to sales.
shift: shift you are working on, it can only be day or ** night
Initial amount: Amount the previous cashier left in the box
montofinal: final amount with which the shift ends, of that amount you have to discount the initial amount and the amount that
will leave in the box in this way we get the following field the
turn sales
ventasturno: total sales of shift.
difference: amount that there is difference between the sales registered in the system and what is in the box. It can be positive
or negative.
Fields with amounts are defined with int(5)
, but must be adjusted according to the sales of the establishment. In case you wonder why I got so worked up, it's because I worked in a pharmacy for 6 years, so I paid for my career: P
I hope you serve