Error in $ element console, I am using $ mdDialog from Angular Material


I'm trying to solve this problem that I get in consola when I'm in the url of the server where my project is, "PS: In my localhost I do not get this error ..."

I have this view with the controller I use.

.when('/aseguradora', {
            templateUrl: 'views/insuranceagentdashboard.html',
            controller: 'InsuranceagentdashboardCtrl'

This is my controller:

angular.module('virtualApp').controller('InsuranceagentdashboardCtrl', ['$http', '$scope', 'pager', 'Dialogs', function($http, $scope, pager, Dialogs) {..

Inside the controller I have a function that executes the modal, (Dialogs is a service):

$scope.showCosignerFormDialog = function(insuranceRequest) {

In my html I have a md-button that executes the ng-click :

<md-button class="md-color-green" ng-click="showCosignerFormDialog(insuranceRequest)">VER SOLICITUD</md-button>

This is the service Dialog , which executes modal .

dialogs.cosignerFormdialog = function(insuranceRequest) {
        return ${
            templateUrl: 'views/cosignerformdialog.html',
            autoWrap: false,
            controller: 'IdentityVerificationWizardCtrl',
            locals: {
                listing: insuranceRequest
            preserveScope: true,            
            escapeToClose: false,
            fullscreen: true,
            clickOutsideToClose: true

I do not know why this error is occurring in my console ... When I'm working on localhost everything works perfectly.
PS: This error that you see in the console is executed when I try to open a modal

asked by zerokira 26.01.2018 в 22:48

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