Problem with query UPDATE - MySQL and PHP


Good, I'm doing an online course that is somewhat outdated, and I'm having some problems. I'm trying to edit the data on a fictional bus website using a form, but I have a problem. I attached the code:

From one page you can see all the buses, and this works perfectly. Each bus has an "edit" button, which leads to a form to change the data. This is the form in PHP:



if (isset($_GET["id"]))
    $id = $_GET["id"];

$resultado = cargarAutobusEditar($id);

$nombre = $resultado[0];
$color = $resultado[1];
$capacidad =$resultado[2];


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Editar Autobús</title>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
    <link href="estilos.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

            <img src="images/logo.png" alt="Logo" />
        <h2>Editar Autobús</h2>

    <form action="funciones.php" method="post">

        <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php $id ?>" />

        <label for="Nombre">Nombre</label>
        <input type="text" name="Nombre" value="<?php echo $nombre ?>" id="Nombre" />

        <label for="Color">Color</label>
        <input type="text" name="Color" value="<?php echo $color ?>" id="Color" />

        <label for="Capacidad">Capacidad</label>
        <input type="text" name="Capacidad" value="<?php echo $capacidad ?>" id="Capacidad" />

        <input type="submit" name="editar" value="Guardar" class="boton_editar"/>
        <a href="funciones.php?borrar=<?php echo $id ?>" class="borrar">Eliminar</a>

        <div class="clearfix"></div>


    <article id="ver_autobuses">
        <img src="images/autobus.png" alt="Imagen autobús" />



In this form the data of each bus is collected thanks to the function cargaAutobusEditar ($ id), which is the following:

function cargarAutobusEditar($id){
    $consulta = "SELECT * FROM autobuses WHERE ID = '" . $id . "'";

    $valor = conexionBD($consulta);

    while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($valor))
        $nombre = $row["Nombre"];
        $color = $row["Color"];
        $capacidad = $row["Capacidad"];

    $resultado = Array($nombre, $color, $capacidad);
    return $resultado;

This works correctly, the data of the corresponding bus are shown on the screen, in each input of the form. The problem occurs when I'm going to edit, because I change the data and when I click on the edit button, this function is called:


if (isset($_POST["editar"]))

function editarAutobus(){
    $id = $_POST['ID'];
    $nombre = $_POST['Nombre'];
    $color = $_POST['Color'];
    $capacidad = $_POST['Capacidad'];
    $consulta = "UPDATE autobuses SET Nombre='" . $nombre . "', Color='" . $color. "', Capacidad='" . $capacidad . "' WHERE ID='" .$id . "'";



By clicking on the button to save the changes and call this function, the form fields are empty ...

I have another script to register buses, passing the MySQL query through the same process, and it works correctly, so I understand that the connection to the database works correctly. Anyway, I leave the functions:

function conexionBD($consulta){
    $dbLocal = new DBMySql("localhost", "root", "", "bus", 3306);
    $valor = $dbLocal->setQuery($consulta);
    return $valor;


class DBMySql extends BaseDeDatos
    protected $conexion;

    public function __construct($servidor, $usuario, $password, $db, $puerto = 3306){

        parent::__construct($servidor, $usuario, $password, $db, $puerto, "mysql");

        $this->conexion = mysqli_connect($this->servidor . ":" . $this->puerto, $this->usuario, $this->password);

        mysqli_select_db($this->conexion, $this->db);

    public function setQuery($query){
        //$query = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->conexion, $query);
        return $this->idConsulta = mysqli_query($this->conexion, $query);


Any ideas that you may be failing?

Thank you and greetings.


Ok, thank you very much for your help, trying to adapt the script that I already had written, I used the links that you attach to me and I have edited this part of the code:

function conexionBD($consulta){
    //$dbLocal = new DBMySql("localhost", "root", "", "bus", 3306);
    //$valor = $dbLocal->setQuery($consulta);
    $mipdo=new DbPDO();
    $valor = $mipdo->query($consulta);
    return $valor;

With this I access the created object that you have passed me, and I get any query passed through that method. For now I will not use the bind_params because I want it to simply work, then I will add it as indicated. The problem is that some functions have stopped working, I guess because it used the "style of procedures" and not the "object-oriented". The error that is shown to me when using this function:

function verAutobuses(){
    $consulta = "SELECT * FROM autobuses";
    $valor = conexionBD($consulta);
    $resultado ="";

    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($valor))
        $resultado .= "<h3>Nombre: <span>" . $row["Nombre"] . "<span><a href='editar_autobuses.php?id=" . $row["ID"] . "' class='editar'><img src='images/editar.png'></a></h3>";
        $resultado .= "<h4>Color: <span>" . $row["Color"] . "</span></h4>";
        $resultado .= "<h4>Capacidad: <span>" . $row["Capacidad"] . "</span></h4>";

    return $resultado;

And the error that returns me is the following:


Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc () expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result,   array given in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ course \ functions.php on line 72

I've been looking at the documentation, and I thought that by switching to the object-oriented style I should write something like this:

function verAutobuses(){
    $consulta = "SELECT * FROM autobuses";
    $valor = conexionBD($consulta);
    $resultado ="";

    while ($row = $valor->fetch_assoc())
        $resultado .= "<h3>Nombre: <span>" . $row["Nombre"] . "<span><a href='editar_autobuses.php?id=" . $row["ID"] . "' class='editar'><img src='images/editar.png'></a></h3>";
        $resultado .= "<h4>Color: <span>" . $row["Color"] . "</span></h4>";
        $resultado .= "<h4>Capacidad: <span>" . $row["Capacidad"] . "</span></h4>";

    return $resultado;

But he returns this error to me, that I do not understand it the truth:


Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function fetch_assoc ()   on array in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ course \ functions.php: 70 Stack trace: # 0   C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ course \ ver_autobuses.php (4): viewBuses () # 1 {main}   thrown in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ course \ functions.php on line 70

Thank you very much for your answers, I value them very much considering that I am starting and this seems to me an impossible world.

asked by Viturbiko 13.11.2017 в 12:25

1 answer


The message indicates that you are already receiving an array. If you have used the Github PDO class, that class returns an associative array with the data by default.


function verAutobuses(){
    $consulta = "SELECT * FROM autobuses";
    $valor = conexionBD($consulta);
    $resultado ="";

    foreach ($valor as $row)
        $resultado .= "<h3>Nombre: <span>" . $row["Nombre"] . "<span><a href='editar_autobuses.php?id=" . $row["ID"] . "' class='editar'><img src='images/editar.png'></a></h3>";
        $resultado .= "<h4>Color: <span>" . $row["Color"] . "</span></h4>";
        $resultado .= "<h4>Capacidad: <span>" . $row["Capacidad"] . "</span></h4>";

    return $resultado;
answered by 13.11.2017 / 16:23