I have a function in JavaScript that is validateFor () (validateFormulario), where you check that the email addresses entered in the form are correct, and also check that no field is empty, where I have the problem here, not you execute it to that IF.
function validarfor(){
var correo = document.getElementById("mail").value;
var nom = document.getElementsByName("nombres")[0].value;
var rs = document.getElementsByName("razonsocial")[0].value;
var tel = document.getElementsByName("telefono")[0].value;
var cel = document.getElementsByName("celular")[0].value;
var coment = document.getElementsByName("comentarios")[0].value;
var expr = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;
if ( !expr.test(correo) ){ //COMPRUEBA MAIL
alert("Error: La dirección de correo " + correo + " es incorrecta.");
return false;
if ((correo == "") || (nom == "") || (rs == "") || (tel == "") || (cel == "") || (coment == "")) { //COMPRUEBA CAMPOS VACIOS
alert("Los campos no pueden quedar vacios");
return true;
I stored the variables with getElementByID, getElementsByName and I do not know where the problem is, also in the conditional instead of putting (mail == "") try with (mail.lenght == 0) and neither!
<FORM name="formulario" action="#" method="post" onSubmit="return validarfor();">
<SELECT NAME="lista">
<label for="nombres"><p>*Apellido y nombre: </p></label><br>
<INPUT TYPE="text" id="nombres" name="nombres">
<label for="razonsocial"><p>*Razon Social:</p></label>
<INPUT class="razon" TYPE="text" id="razonsocial" name="razonsocial">
<label for="mail"><p>*Email:</p></label>
<INPUT TYPE="email" id="mail">
<label for="telefono"><p>*Telefono:</p></label>
<INPUT TYPE="tel" id="telefono" name="telefono">
<label for="celular"><p>*Celular:</p></label>
<INPUT TYPE="tel" id="celular" name="celular">
<p>Via de contacto:</p>
<SELECT NAME="viadecontacto" >
<label for="comentarios"><p>*Comentarios:</p></label>
<textarea id="comentarios" rows="10" cols="40" maxlength="300" name="comentarios">Escribe aquí tus comentarios</textarea>
<input type="submit" name="commit" value="Enviar">