How about! I am using an api called jquery Mapael for the creation of interactive maps in html, I am loading the data from a json to the application, here is the code:
$(function () {
$(".mapcontainer span").html("Loading JSON data").css({"color":"blue", "font-weight":"bold"});
$.getJSON("import_from_json_file.json", function (data) {
//Codigo bla bla bla...
}).fail(function() {
// Error
$(".mapcontainer span").html("Failed to load JSON data").css({"color":"red"});
}, 200);
However, the error I get when loading the json, throws me the error, and I did the following to solve it and nothing
-Change "import_from_json_file.json" with './import_from_json_file.json'
-I put the full path to the file, something like this: "C: /gatitos/cafeCargado/import_from_json_file.json"
-I valued the json in jasonlint
I read that you have to configure a web.config to read it, but I'm not adding a server or anything like that, everything is local