I need to load a page on a main page. I did it with .load ("file.html") but it only opens it in firefox and if it inspects it brings an unbalanced tree error of elements, and chrome and explorer do not even open it, it appears access denied in the call of the load ()
You can tell me how to replace the load ().
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="es"/ >
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="scripts/estilos.css"/>
<title>Estación 2</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
var meses = new Array ("Enero","Febrero","Marzo","Abril","Mayo","Junio","Julio","Agosto","Septiembre","Octubre","Noviembre","Diciembre");
var diasSemana = new Array("Domingo","Lunes","Martes","Miércoles","Jueves","Viernes","Sábado");
var f=new Date();
document.write(diasSemana[f.getDay()] + ", " + f.getDate() + " de " + meses[f.getMonth()] + " de " + f.getFullYear());
$(document).ready(function() {
function actualizar(){
function actualizaReloj() {
marcacion = new Date()
Hora = marcacion.getHours()
Minutos = marcacion.getMinutes()
Segundos = marcacion.getSeconds()
dn = "a.m"
if (Hora > 12) {
dn = "p.m"
Hora = Hora - 12
if (Hora == 0)
Hora = 12
if (Hora <= 9) Hora = "0" + Hora
if (Minutos <= 9) Minutos = "0" + Minutos
if (Segundos <= 9) Segundos = "0" + Segundos
//Termina el Script del Reloj
var Script, Total
Script = Hora + ":" + Minutos + ":" + Segundos + " " + dn
Total = Script
document.getElementById('Reloj').innerHTML = Total
setTimeout("actualizaReloj()", 1000)
<body onload="actualizaReloj()">
<p id="fecha"></p>
<p id="Reloj"></p>
<div id="contenedor" ></div>