Dynamic html table


I have the following table:

<table  class="table table-hover table-responsive">
        <th>Valor unitario</th>
        <th>Valor total</th>        
    <tbody id="tabProd" name="ProdLista" >
    </tbody >

and I have the following function with which the filling:

function añadirFila(){
             if (document.getElementById("prod_cod").value!=="" &&
                    document.getElementById("cant").value!=="" &&
                    document.getElementById("prod_nom").value!=="" &&
                    document.getElementById("precUni").value!=="") {
                var table = document.getElementById("tabProd");
                var row = table.insertRow(0);
                var celda1 = row.insertCell(0);
                var celda2 = row.insertCell(1);      

        celda1.innerHTML = document.getElementById("prod_cod").value;
        celda2.innerHTML = document.getElementById("prod_nom").value; 
                    if (data.length>0) {
                        var filasJson=data.length;
                        var objeto=eval(data);
                        var selectUnidades;
                        for(var i=0;i<filasJson;i++){
                        selectUnidades+="<option  value="+objeto[i].uni_nombre+">"+objeto[i].uni_nombre+"</option>";
                        $("<td />").html('<select onchange=\"datoCelda()\" class="form-control" ">'+selectUnidades+'</select>').appendTo(row);
                        $('#resConsultaCodigo').append("Busqueda sin resultados");

                error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    alert('Error al consultar en la base de datos:'+textStatus);

                var celda3 = row.insertCell(2);
                var celda4 = row.insertCell(3);
                var celda5 = row.insertCell(4);
                celda3.innerHTML = document.getElementById("cant").value;
                celda4.innerHTML = document.getElementById("precUni").value;

                var valunit=document.getElementById("precUni").value*document.getElementById("cant").value;
                var valunitdecimal=valunit.toFixed(2);
                celda5.innerHTML = valunitdecimal;

                var celdaProducto=document.createElement('input');
                var celdaProductoNombre=document.createElement('input');
                var celdaCantidad=document.createElement('input');
                var celdaPrecUnitario=document.createElement('input');                    
            alert('Ingrese los campos de Cantidad, precio y producto');

By calling ajax in the previous function I filled the select of each product, but I have the problem that I can not change the value of the price by changing the unit within select of the row because as are several rows within the table, I do not know how to manipulate them

It is advisable to do it this way or there is a framework that allows me to change the values depending on the item chosen in select and that also allows me to perform actions such as changing the amount within each row and / or eliminate the rows ?

asked by Leo T 24.10.2017 в 18:02

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