Access to html view with or without being logged in Angularjs


In my $ stateProvider I have defined the views of my application in which certain views require that the user is logged in or not. So far, he is working correctly. But the problem I have now is that I have a view which the user must access with or without login, this is my code:

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){
                controller: 'registroCtrl',
                authenticate: true
                controller: 'registro_empCtrl',
                authenticate: false
            .state('empresas', {
                controller: 'perfilEmpCtrl_sl',
                authenticate: true/false (aqui deseo llamar a una factoria la cual me devuelve si el usario esta o no logueado)

this is my factory:

.factory("Autenticacion", function($cookies, $cookieStore)
        isAuthenticated : function()
            var username = $cookieStore.get('username');
            if(typeof(username) != "undefined")
                return true;
                return false;

My question is how to insert the factory that returns my login status in the state "companies" > since that view can be accessed by the user with login or without login

Thank you in advance

asked by Dimoreno 18.09.2017 в 19:10

1 answer


With this, you get the check up before entering, if it is correct, you execute whatever you want.

.state('empresas', {
    url: '/empresas/:id_empresa',
    templateUrl: 'app/carpeta3/vista3.html',
    controller: 'perfilEmpCtrl_sl',
    onEnter: function($state, Autenticacion){

            /*** Y aqui el codigo para cuando este autenticado ***/


This I use for when I enter the login, when opening an app if it is already logged in because its token has not expired, it is forwarded to the homepage, otherwise I run the login driver

answered by 18.09.2017 в 19:31