How can I put a link in JavaScript?


I would like to declare a link within a JavaScript <a href="#"></a> , I have the following information that I send to call:

 var plant = [
{nomb: "ESCUELA 1",
        dirc:"CENTRO, 405",
        correo: "[email protected]",
        telefono: "(452) 1404512",
        ciudad: "Lugar 1",
        oferta: "Preparatoria",
        lic: "Administración, Educación",
        pos: "Administración",
        online: "Preparatoria"},


        var enlace = plant[indice].nomb;
        $(".titulo__plantel").html("Plantel "+plant[indice].nomb);

and I send them to print in a div in html

<div class="content3">
   <span class="oferta"></span>
   <span class="lic"></span>
   <span class="pos"></span>
   <span class="online"></span>

How could you put lic: "Administración, Educación" a different link, so that they send to different pages when you press it? I need your help, thank you very much!

asked by R.C. Ana 16.11.2017 в 01:24

1 answer


Hello, you could try the following:

var plant = [
{nomb: "ESCUELA 1",
        dirc:"CENTRO, 405",
        correo: "[email protected]",
        telefono: "(452) 1404512",
        ciudad: "Lugar 1",
        oferta: "Preparatoria",
        lic: [{
        pos: "Administración",
        online: "Preparatoria"},


Then depending on what you are going to call, either Administration or Education will have a different data.

answered by 16.11.2017 в 01:59