Classes (css) of Pickadate.js in Materialize


Good community, I have an inconvenience with pickdate I need to remove a css class from the calendar. The classes I want to disable are: 1) .picker__day - highlighted 2) .picker__day.picker__day - today
In order to remove the color (green) as of today.

asked by Leonard J. Ávila S. 10.09.2017 в 00:25

1 answer


Instead of deleting the classes, what you could do is disable the green color by editing the css style of the class.

Or with inherit

.picker__day.picker__day--today {
    color: inherit;

or any other desired color

.picker__day.picker__day--today {
    color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87);
answered by 10.09.2017 в 18:14