Data table with AJAX C # ASP.NET SqlDataReader


Hi, I'm working with ASP.Net / SqlDataReader / C # and razor I have the sig. complication ...
I'm trying to show a table using AJAX but I'm not sure I'm doing it right, so I understand I have to make a method for my query to be stored in a list, I do not know if this list should go in the controller or in My model. At this moment I have only got the printed answer, but I need to remove the JSON format and put it in a table. I would greatly appreciate some help or illustration. This is what I have.

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<div id="result"></div>
<input type="button" name="name" value="try me" onclick="DepListQuery()" />


    function DepListQuery() {

            type: 'GET',
            url: '@Url.Action("GetData","Home")',
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            dataType: "json",
            success: function (response) {

            failure: function (response) {
                alert("hubo un error del diablo u.u");


You are my controller

  //GetData function, simple ajax
        public JsonResult GetData()
            string stdb = "Data Source=DMX87025;Initial Catalog=DB_PCC;Integrated Security=True";
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(stdb);
            string sql = "SELECT *FROM[DB_PCC].[dbo].[Departments]";
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);

            SqlDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            return Json(new { success = true, message = rd },
asked by E.Rawrdríguez.Ophanim 03.10.2017 в 23:17

1 answer


Consider the following:

  • The connection string goes in a configuration file, so you can modify that file without having to recompile the solution once it is in production.
  • The administration of queries to the database goes in a separate layer: Access to Data (DAO), Repository.
  • Check the performance of 2 queries SELECT : one with the * and the other specifying all the columns, Which gives you greater performance?
  • Enable CORS and specify that it only admits the domain of your application, otherwise, any person or bot can access the information from a browser.
  • Now, as the Squirtle meme would say: vamo al código:

    public JsonResult GetData()
        string stdb = "Data Source=DMX87025;Initial Catalog=DB_PCC;Integrated Security=True";
        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(stdb);
        string sql = "SELECT * FROM[DB_PCC].[dbo].[Departments]";
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
        List<ClaseConAtributosDeTuConsulta> listaParaJson = new List<ClaseConAtributosDeTuConsulta>();
        SqlDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        while (rd.Read())
            listaParaJson.Add(new ClaseConAtributosDeTuConsulta(){
                PropiedadDeTuClaseInt32 = rd.GetInt32(rd.GetOrdinal("NombreDeLaColumnaInt32")),
                PropiedadDeTuClaseString = rd.GEtStrin(rd.GetOrdinal("NombreDeLaColumnaString")),
                PropiedadDeTuClaseDateTime = rd.GetDateTime(rd.GetOrdinal("NombreDeLaColumnaDateTime"))
                //En caso necesites manejar campos que sean nulos: rd.IsDBNull()
        return Json(new { success = true, message = listaParaJson },JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

    With this, that console.log (response) should theoretically give you a response.success with the value true and a response.message with the list of elements.

    On the front-end:

    <table class="table table-striped" cellspacing="0">
        <thead class="">
                <th class="" scope="col">PropiedadDeTuClaseInt32</th>
                <th class="" scope="col">PropiedadDeTuClaseString</th>
                <th class="" scope="col">PropiedadDeTuClaseDateTime</th>           
                <th class="" scope="col">Operaciones</th>   
        <tbody id="renderizando">
    function DepListQuery() {
            type: 'GET',
            url: '@Url.Action("GetData","Home")',
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            dataType: "json",
            success: function (response) {
            failure: function (response) {
                alert("hubo un error, mira el log");
    function GetJsonDateTime(str) {
        return eval("new " + str.replace(/\//g, "") + ".toLocaleDateString('en-US')");
    function RenderizarTabla(informacion){
        var table = $("#renderizando");
        $.each(informationToRender, function (rowIndex, r) {
            var row = $("<tr/>");
            var campoA = r["PropiedadDeTuClaseInt32"];
            var campoB = r["PropiedadDeTuClaseString"];
            var campoC = GetJsonDateTime(r["PropiedadDeTuClaseDateTime"]);
            //En caso necesites que haya algun enlace que ejecute una acción:
                                $('<a>', {
                                    text: 'Editar',
                                    href: 'Aqui va algun enlace'
    answered by 04.10.2017 / 18:00