Good afternoon,
Using AngularJS 1.6:
I have a Login.html view that at a certain moment, launches a pop-up called 'modalAuthorization'. This modal has its own controller (independent of loginController).
The modal has 2 buttons, accept and reject, if I click on any of them, it will be called (logically) to the methods of the 'modalAuthorizationController' controller, at the end of the logic of these actions, I want the modality to be closed but not I get it.
If the modal was contained in the Login controller it would be easier (a close () or a $ scope.modal = false) but for a series of reasons I have to do it like that.
In short, I would have to do, as it were, a 'close-myself'
app.controller('authorizationCtrl', ['$scope', 'AppService_Ajax', 'urlsRest', 'gettextCatalog', 'AppService_PersistData', 'AppService_Mensajes', function ($scope, AppService_Ajax, urlsRest, gettextCatalog, AppService_PersistData, AppService_Mensajes) {
$scope.urlAuthorization = urlsRest.urlRestGeneral + '/addEntityParameter';
$scope.rejectAuthorization = function () {
var obj = {
'idParametro': 25,
'codValor': '0'
AppService_Ajax.sync($scope.urlAuthorization, 'POST', obj, function (res) {
if (res.code == 0) {