I have the following code:
if(filas[i] == filas[0]) { // donde filas es = 0 que es el encabezado de mi tabla
for(var k=0; k <celdas.length; k++){ // donde celdas son el numero de columnas
s = celdas[k].textContent;
what it does is go through the number of cells that a table has and recover the value it has in the part of the header
the table would have for example
| name | age | genre | numHijos |
and every time you go through the number of cells the value of that can be
s= nombre;
s = edad;
s= genero;
and so to be able to send the parameter, the for if the header goes through the problem is that the only thing it does is put the last value in this case
Here all the code I use
function tabla(){
var tabla = document.getElementById("datos");
var filas = tabla.getElementsByTagName("tr"), celdas;
var suc=0;
var p=0;
var s=0;
for (var i = 0; i < filas.length; i++){
celdas = filas[i].children;
for (var j = 0; j < celdas.length; j++){
let celda_actual = celdas[j];
if(celda_actual.textContent == "-"){
celda_actual.id = "f"+i+"- c"+j;
celda_actual.className = "cuadro";
celda_actual.id = "";
celda_actual.className = "";
var m = celdas[1].textContent;
p =celdas[2].textContent
if(filas[i] == filas[0]) {
s = celdas[j].textContent;
if(celda_actual.textContent == "-" ){
celda_actual.textContent = "[f"+i+"- c"+j+"]"+"[m="+m+", p="+p+", s="+s+"]";
Someone who can help me solve it?