A Switch does not work [php]


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                switch ($op) {
                    case 'listado1':        include('dash_turnos.php'); break;
                    case 'listado2':        include('dash_carga-turnos.php'); break;
                    case 'listado3':        include('dash_turno-propio.php'); break;
                    case 'listado4':        include('dash_turno-dia.php');break;
                    case 'listado5':        include('dash_asigna-ejecutivo.php');break;
                    default:                include('home.php');break;

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The cases work until 4, I tried entering break after doing the include of each case but it did not work.

And here are the classes, to show that the names are identical and it's not a problem of names.

At the time of loading the page corresponding to list 5, does not show anything on the screen or even shows an echo or anything like that, I infer that it is not reaching the case because in the url it indicates ..



asked by felipe andrade 27.07.2017 в 17:03

1 answer



Since apparently what you said was a mistake, debug in these two levels.

1st Check the value of $op :

echo $op;

If it is 5 , verify that it is not a five with blank spaces or something like that: 5(espacio) or (espacio)5 ...

2nd Check that it is not a problem with the file you are including:

case 5: echo "5"; break; //include('dash_asigna-ejecutivo.php');break;

3º Add default at the end, to see if option 5 is not fulfilled: '

At the end of the switch:

default: echo "Por defecto. Op tiene el valor: ".$op;


As you say:


When loading the page corresponding to list 5, it does not show   nothing on the screen does not even show an echo or anything like that,   I deduce that it is not reaching the case because in the url it indicates   ../ home_dash_turnos.php? turn = listing5

In that case, the value of $op=$_GET['turno']; will be listing5 , but you evaluate like this:

  switch ($op) {
                case 1:        include('dash_turnos.php'); break;
                case 2:        include('dash_carga-turnos.php'); break;
                case 3:        include('dash_turno-propio.php'); break;
                case 4:        include('dash_turno-dia.php');break;
                case 5:        include('dash_asigna-ejecutivo.php');break;

In that context, there is no case 5, but a case listado5 .

Or, you even match the code to respond like this:


Or you add that possibility to the case:

case "listado5":  include('dash_asigna-ejecutivo.php');break;
answered by 27.07.2017 в 17:27