Good morning,
I have the following function in a laravel driver
public function Show ($ id) {
$configuracion = FrontConfiguracion::find(1);
$contacto = FrontDatosContacto::find(1);
$areas = FrontAreas::find($id);
$funcionarios = FrontTalentoHumano::all()->where('area_id','=',$id);
return view('front.acerca-entidad.listar-talento-humano', compact('configuracion', 'contacto', 'areas', 'funcionarios'));
The problem is that when I go to call the view, I get the following error:
I could see that he recognizes the configuration, contact and area models; but in civil servants it only shows Collection instead of recognizing the model FrontTalentoHumano that is the one that corresponds to him in this case ...
This is how I call the property within list-talent-human.blade.php
I hope you can help me and give me a light, since I have been with this error and the project late for several days.
Thank you!