I have a concern that I would like to share with you in order to find a solution.
I am using React for the implementation of a project and I need in one of my forms that when performing the autofocus of one of its inputs which already has an initial value, the cursor is located at the beginning ; that is, before the initial value. I show part of the code so that you have an idea of what I want to do.
Component builder
constructor(props) {
this.state = {url: '.feeel.ai'};
In this.state = {url: '.myurl.com'};
I set the initial value of the input. The idea is that when you start writing, finish the input value in this way: urldeusuario.myurl.com .
Part of the render of the component where I want to do the work
<input type="text"
className="name-field-container label-input"
With this.onFocusValue
I invoke the function that should perform the job I want.