Conditional does not work correctly


At the beginning of my page, there is a song that plays automatically. When it ends, it should go to the next song, however I do not understand why it is not doing so, if in my conditional I place it, when the song ends, the next one starts. The alert within my function does not appear.

The code is as follows:

currentTrack = 0

beats = ['eminem.mp3', 'icecube.mp3', 'lilwayne.mp3', 'nas.mp3', 'still.mp3', 'today.mp3']

beat = document.getElementById('beat')

if(beat.ended == true){

function reproducir(){

alert("estoy dentro de la funcion")

nextTrack = beats[currectTrack++]
beat.setAttribute('src', nextTrack)


<audio src="../estudio/beats/eminem.mp3" autoplay controls id="beat"></audio>
<button onclick="reproducir()">iniciar</button>
<button onclick="detener()">detener</button>
<div id="seccion"></div>

Why is that happening? How can I solve it?

asked by steven 13.04.2017 в 15:08

1 answer


As an observation, that conditional is always assigning the last track to the player. If that is not the desired effect, correct it.

The problem is that this conditional is only executed once , when reproducir is executed, that is, when the Start button is pressed. If you want to automatically go to the next song you must use the event end :

let currentTrack = 0; // lleva un control de la pista actual

beat.addEventListener('end', e => {
  const nextTrack = beats[currentTrack++];
  beat.setAttribute('src', nextTrack);;

If, on the other hand, you want to pause and then start again, change tracks, the event you need is pause :

beat.addEventListener('pause', e => {
  const nextTrack = beats[++currentTrack];
  beat.setAttribute('src', nextTrack);;

In this way, when you pause the player, the song index increases and when you start the lesson again you get a new track and execute it.

answered by 13.04.2017 в 15:50