Validate 2 regular expressions in a


I have the following regular expression


To validate emails, I must also validate that the email does not contain the word "notiene" and the expression is /^((?!notiene).)*$ , however I can not mix the two.

asked by sioesi 28.03.2018 в 16:24

1 answer


The problem . The negative inspection ( negative lookahead ) that you are using, starts from the beginning of the text, and consumes each of the characters as long as they are not followed by notiene


This means that when you try to validate the mail, you will find it at the end of the text. That is, the .* of that pattern already consumed all the characters, without allowing there to be more to validate.

The solution . On the other hand, if it is validated from the beginning of the text, but no character is consumed, then more than one subpattern can be validated:


An inspection attempts to match the subpattern and, after matching, the cursor follows from the same position it was in before attempting such an inspection. It can be thought of as a construction that only returns true / false, but the rest of the regex can continue as if nothing had happened ( if it returned true, of course ).

With ^(?!.*notiene) we make sure that the whole line is crossed. If .*notiene does not match, being a negative inspection then it is like returning " true ", but we are still at the beginning of the text (no character was consumed) , and we can verify any other pattern from there.

Complete Regex: (using the response from Validate an email in JavaScript )



document.getElementById('email').addEventListener('input', function(evt) {
    campo =;
    valido = document.getElementById('emailOK');
    emailRegex = /^(?!.*notiene)(?:[^<>()[\].,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\].,;:\s@"]+)*|"[^\n"]+")@(?:[^<>()[\].,;:\s@"]+\.)+[^<>()[\]\.,;:\s@"]{2,63}$/i;
    //Se muestra un texto a modo de ejemplo
    if (emailRegex.test(campo.value)) {
      valido.innerText = "válido";
    } else {
      valido.innerText = "incorrecto";
Email que no tenga "notiene":
<input id="email">
<span id="emailOK"></span>

General case

For any case where we have 2 regular expressions anchored at the beginning of the text (yes, they have to match from the beginning), be ^re1 and ^re2 , the way to verify both is :


Or, as in your case, that does not match the first one, but the second one does:


For example, joining 3 expressions: that has an upper case, that does not end in "1234" and that has between 8 and 200 characters .

answered by 28.03.2018 / 16:45