I have a select
that a provider takes.
<%= form_for @claim do |f| %>
<%= f.select :provider_id, {}, {include_blank: "Seleccione opción"}, {id: "provider_selector_resend", style: "width:100%;"} %>
Then on the same page I have a link_to
(which is in a show) that takes the data from it and duplicates it (dup)
<%= link_to "Reenviar", resend_claim_path(params[:id]), id: "resend_button", class: "button tiny", style: "margin-top: 12px;"%>
And the code of the dup in the controller:
def resend
copy_claim = Claim.find(params[:id])
@claim = copy_claim.dup
@claim.items << copy_claim.items.map {|it| it.dup}
@claim.updates << copy_claim.updates.map {|up| up.dup}
@claim.client_id = current_user.company.id
@claim.resend_id = copy_claim.id
if @claim.save
redirect_to :back
flash[:success] = "Reenvío enviado con éxito"
flash[:notice]= "Error al reenviar el reclamo "
My problem is that I want the link_to
to take the select
(which is a provider_id
) and replace it with the provider_id
of the dup that it takes ( @claim = copy_claim.dup
- You copy it here).